The White Glove Leadership Cultivation Experience is for high-potential (HIPO) Top-Talent Leaders. The experience begins with a myriad of assessments that determine core strengths and improvement opportunities. Potential strengths and possible derailers are identified.
What is Catalyst+
An accountability executive coach supports the creation of one-on-one customized development plans and success measures. Catalyst is customized for each leader and includes leadership development training, action-learning, progress reports, and accountability coaching.
How Does Catalyst+Help?
Catalyst+ is Best for Accelerated
HIPO Leader Development
Assessments: L4-CDI 360-Degree Feedback Instrument, Hogan Leadership Inventories – Personality inventory (HPI), Development Survey (HDS), Motive, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI), and more.
Outputs: L4-CDI 360-Degree Feedback Report, Hogan Assessment Report, Personalized Development Plan, Accelerated Development Timeline, L4 Reflection Journal, Pre-Post Learning Assessments, Accomplishment Briefing Reports for Participants’ Managers/ Organizations.
Duration: Six-Months
Location: Virtual or Blended